Schembra Real Estate Group

50-P Shelter Cove Ln Hilton Head Island843-785-2452
Toll Free800-845-9506
Philip A. Schembra, Owner and Broker-In-Charge of Schembra Real Estate Group, a boutique real estate firm and one of the oldest firms on world-famous Hilton Head Island, South Carolina has continued his tradition of excellence and record-breaking sales in real estate since 1976. With $1,000,000,000 (billion) in personal sales, Phil continues to be an industry leader and shares his philosophy of hard work, core values, stellar reputation, professionalism and outstanding knowledge and expertise with both buyers and sellers. His longevity and institutional knowledge of the community recognizes him in the local community as a leader in luxury oceanfront, ocean-oriented, golf, lagoon and harbor properties providing him a loyal client base and referral network.
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