Nelson's Appliance Co

Hours Open
Mon - Fri 7:30am to 5:00pm
Weekends Closed
3248 Holmestown Rd Un C-2 MB843-238-2023
When your home appliance is old or not working efficiently, Its easy to take the decision of replacing it, rather than repairing. You may want the appliance to rest in peace and just get a new one instead, however in most cases, home appliances break way before their time and its usually something small, that can be fixed quickly and for a fraction of the cost os a new machine. So should you repair or replace? Give Nelson's Appliance a call and we'll help you make the right decision. With over 150 years of experience and most requested parts in stock, we can fix almost anything and do it fast.
Our technicians are certified and highly experienced professionals. Our attention to detail ensures quality and safe work every time! We aren’t cheapest, but we won’t ruin your wallet either. We promise! We service all brands. We repair and have parts for all major appliances to include refrigerators, freezers, washers & dryers, dishwashers and more.